Previous incidents
API healthcheck is down
Resolved Jan 23 at 03:07pm UTC
API healthcheck recovered.
1 previous update
API healthcheck is down
Resolved Jan 11 at 03:19pm UTC
API healthcheck recovered.
1 previous update
API healthcheck is down
Resolved Dec 13 at 02:09pm UTC
API healthcheck recovered.
1 previous update
Tracking script unavailable in Australia region
Resolved Nov 29 at 10:56am UTC
Availability in Australia has been restored by our CDN provider.
1 previous update
Dashboard unavailable
Resolved Nov 21 at 06:13am UTC
We are looking into problems with our hosting provider at the moment.
EDIT: all issues were resolved within 15 minutes
Investigating an elevated rate of 502 errors
Resolved Nov 09 at 06:00pm UTC
We are seeing an elevated number of 502 errors at the moment. We are investigating the root cause and will post updates here.
UPDATE: System is back to full health. We believe that the issue was caused by one of our providers. We are following up on this investigation with the provider to get further details.
Partial outage in Sweden and Italy
Resolved Nov 08 at 12:00am UTC
We had an issue that made our tracking script and API inaccessible in Sweden and Italy. We have conducted a full investigation of the outage, and found a number of imprvements we can and will make internally to avoid such incidents in the future.